Monday, April 25, 2011

The Next Adventure

Well, it's been a while since I read my last blog (2006!) and a lot seems to have happened in a relatively short space of time. But I can safely say after that last trip, that my rucksack has been hung up for a while at least and whilst the yearn to travel, see new places and experiences new things will always be there, just think i like to do it in a bit more style these days!

So....what's next?

Fall in love, get married, have family...but also starting my own business. Where I can have the lifestyle I want, flexibilty, variety, fun and make money. What it's about and what it does, I have no idea, but I know it's there somewhere and can create the lifestyle and opportunities I want and make me passionate and enthusiastic about business again.

What do I know so far...

1) I want to work 2-3 days per week (more of a way of life/work/life balance, than a mission statement!)
2) I want to help businesses change the way they do business
3) I want to work with extraordinary, intelligent, passionate, creative people
4) I want to help them with their creative/unique/health small business - to launch, to grow, to move from small to medium sized without too much pain and whilst keeping the culture a small business and entrepreneurship creates. It's so important to keep this as the team grows and you may need to install some structure and processes but how you keep that spirit, excitement and enthusiasm alive as it grows.
5) Some sort of consultancy, where I can go in, analyse the issues and either problem solve with the owners or come back with solutions myself
6) Help them write a plan, create a strategy, develop the business and make it a huge success with them
7) Teach them how to market and take their great ideas to the market and reach the right audience
8) What else....something around coaching, or mentoring or developing people
9) Working with people one on one; developing and motivating them
10) Having fun, variety, making money and having adventures and new experiences, meeting and working with inspirational and exciting people.

Questions that need answering....
1) How the HELL do i do this?
2) What actually is it I'm offering??
3) How do I make this work financially and life wise? How do I keep the lifestyle I have now and still pay the mortgage etc?
4) How do I get paid to do this, when we all know small businesses can often be limited in money, especially when just starting out?
5) Why am I so different to every other Joe Bloggs out there? And why should I be paid/what do I personally have to offer anyway!

Oh....and what on earth do I call this business of mine?!

So....this is where I'm at. No idea what I'm doing or how i'm going to do it, but I do know there's something out there with my name on it AND it's out there for the taking. I just need to figure it all out now. Which I will.

Will keep you posted...
