Monday, June 19, 2006

Hot or not??

Trinny and Susannah would have a field day with this flattering little number....

Hmmmmm....guinea pig, eh?!

Hmmmmmm.......oddily enough i haven't been particularly tempted by the local Peruvian delicacy of roasted guinea pig or "cuy" as it's known here. Not sure if it's maybe because of the way it's served....either squashed sideways OR on it's back, legs in the air and head and teeth still in tact! Hmmmm.....think I'll leave them to remain as Richard Gere's friends only!

Neither have I managed to find Paddington Bear in deepest darkest Peru - obviously a big disappointment for yours truly!

However, I have managed to hike up some ridiculously large inca steps and seen the beautiful Machu Picchu. When we arrived the whole site was covered in mist and I spent most of the morning doing my best Sigourney Weaver, "Gorillas in the Mist" impression!! That didn't quite get the fan base I hoped but the following couple of days i've been dragged into a few photos purely for the gringo factor!! I'll be signed autographs before I go home!!

After a couple of days of hiking in a canyon and getting stitch at 6am each morning (am mean't to be travelling, not up at ridiculous times in the morning!!), on the last day I thought "bugger this" to the prospect of hiking 2,800m at 2.30am and instead took the rather more civilised option of a......mule! Well, if a donkey was good enough for Mary and Joseph, I reckon i'm ok to get me a mule to ride up a mountain!!!!

I've just travelled north from Huaraz - "Touching the Void" terrority. After watching the film again, I opted against the hardcore ice climb and instead pelted a couple of young American brats in a snowball fight on the glaciers. They did deserve it - and not just for being American!!

Am off to Ecuador tomorrow and after that am staying in one place for a few days. Unfortunately have managed to find a place with hammocks and massages on offer - so hope you all enjoy work and i'll concentrate on relaxing!

It's tough this not working malarky!!!

